Where should I begin? So much time has passed since my last entry so I'm going to pretend like January was yesterday and just pick up where I left off. Here the progress from the 2013 "to-do" list ...
1. Add binding to four patch quilt and decide on recipient. - BIG TICK. RECIPIENT = ME!
2. Add binding to baby pinwheels charm square quilt and find new baby to give it to. (fail - haven't done this yet)
3. Finish Michelle Yeo Bear's Paw quilt top. BIG TICK! JUST NEEDS BINDING
4. Finish Georgetown quilt BIG TICK!
5. Do something gorgeous with Kaffe Fassett fabric collection. WIP. I'VE CUT IT BUT NOT STITCHED A SINGLE BLOCK YET
6. Finish hand quilting first ever sampler quilt (started in 2001) and give to husband. MASSIVE TICK! GRATEFUL HUSBAND ENSCONCED IN IT REGULARLY.
7. Whip up Ivy Clementine quilt in lovely brights. PARTIAL TICK - BLOCKS MADE.
In addition to this I've joined a Quilting Bee and at the time of writing I'm 23 weeks into a "Block Experiment" with a bunch of like minded Facebookers. I'm contemplating a blogging course with Pip Lincolne for February and in the R&D stages of the viability of a patchwork shop near my home. My new year's resolution is to put regular posts both here and on my business's FB page. Fingers crossed!
Completed 4 square quilt |
Completed Sampler! |
Quilted Georgetown quilt |
Quilted Bear's Paw |
Ivy Clementine pattern blocks |