Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A hearty welcome to 2014.

This is the project I was working on as 2013 faded and 2014 took flight. Appropriately, it's a flying geese pattern and a colour wash using charm squares that were sent to me over a couple of years when I lived in the UK. I look forward to completing it this year. 

2014 holds a lot of promise for my family. We have a 12 year old embarking on senior school and. 10 year old entering year 4 with a life changing teacher, his second in a row. My husband will continue in a job he loves that challenges him creatively. I have rented a desk in a co-working space starting February 1st and I look forward to sharing ideas with other local micro business owners in our shared space.

Creatively, for me, 2014 holds my hopes and dreams. I look forward to documenting the journey here.