Monday, November 17, 2014

July 2014

"Lucky pieces" block was the call out for the July hive. Bright vibrant colours from our scrap bag. One of the beautiful things about these bees is that you don't have to have mountains of any particular fabric. Just a generally healthy stash will get you through.
Here's my Lucky pieces.
Hive 2's queen issued a mercifully simple PLUS block pattern with the instruction to make the background quite neutral ("low volume" is the terminology used these days) and a vibrant plus. I could have happily made 100 of these.

Over in the paper pieces stars hive it was my turn to be queen again - yay!!  I asked for and star pattern made in chades of dark chocolate, milk chocolate, coffee, caramel, toffee, jaffa, honeycomb, raspberry and vanilla in any combination with the same colours/tones for background. Stark white only for highlights. I want to see if I end up with a quilt I'd like to lick!  Well, I haven't made my own block yet but I'm pretty chuffed with the blocks that came in. Here they are: