Monday, November 17, 2014

September 2014

In the first hive we are now in our last month. Oh no! Where did a year go?  The final queen bee for hive #1 selected a block made entirely of half square triangles called Diamond Ripples. The colours on request were aqua, red and grey.  Wow one hive down and 2 winding up before Christmas - I won't know myself!!
This is my Diamond Ripples.
Over at the second hive I didn't even realise it was my turn to be queen and kindly another bee volunteered to jump up the queue and fill in for me. Her block choice was called Modern Star and Pinwheel and came up like this.  You can find the free pattern on Pinterest here.
Our September Star queen had chosen greys and greens and I was feeling adventurous so she received this little beauty.